Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Canadian Men You Should Never Trust

Here's a short list of Canadian men you should never trust compiled by interns at Conde Nast while on an Easter picnic. I'll admit that they were pretty damn close to the mark. The list is only one item long, but it encompasses the broad spectrum of a kind of Canadian maleness that veers away from GQ values.

Canadian Men You Should Never Trust...

1: Never trust a Canadian man who...wears sunglasses flipped over his head like a barrette. Unless you really like canoeing. Because that's where such a man will take you. Right off Yonge Street, north on the 400, and you'll be spendin' your time boiling lake water on a fire stoked with palm needles. You'll know why that's funny when you try brushing your teeth with said water, and realize why we don't typically eat pine trees.

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